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[Translate to English:] ICAAT Startseite

ICAAT – International Coordination of Anthroposophic Arts Therapies

is a specialist area of the International Coordination of Anthroposophical Medicine (IKAM). This is a working group of the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum in Dornach (CH). IKAM represents and coordinates anthroposophic medicine worldwide.

ICAAT cultivates relationships and stimulates initiatives within and outside the various fields of activity of Anthroposophical Arts Therapies. ICAAT represents and informs about Anthroposophical Arts Therapies worldwide.

ICAAT is the network for public relations work, research, exchange, passing on information, further education and training worldwide in the field of all Anthroposophic Arts Therapies and in connection with the specialist fields of Anthroposophic Medicine.

The annual activity report can be found on the annual report page of the Medical Section.

Our latest annual report is also available in English and in Spanish.

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Weiterbildung Musiktherapie auf anthroposophischer Grundlage 

An der Alanus Hochschule

Die Weiterbildung beginnt im Herbst 2025
Anmeldungen sind ab sofort möglich.

Alle Termine inkl. Aufnahmeprüfungen